Friday, December 31, 2004

Tsunami, Sovereignty, and Mercy - John Piper

God claims power over tsunami's in Job 38:8 when he asks Job rhetorically, “Who shut in the sea with doors when it burst out from the womb . . . and said, ‘Thus far shall you come, and no farther, and here shall your proud waves be stayed’?” Psalm 89:8-9 says, “O Lord . . . You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them.” And Jesus himself has the same control today as he once did over the deadly threats of waves: “He . . . rebuked the wind and the raging waves, and they ceased, and there was a calm” (Luke 8:24). In other words, even if Satan caused the earthquake, God could have stopped the waves...

For children, who are too young to process mentally the revelation of God in nature or Scripture, death is not the final word of judgment. God’s commitment to display his justice publicly means that he does not finally condemn sinful people who could not physically construe natural or special revelation (Romans 1:20). There is a difference between suppressing revelation that one can mentally comprehend (Romans 1:18), and not having a brain sufficient to comprehend it at all. Therefore, when small children suffer and die, we may not assume they are being punished or judged. No matter how horrible the suffering or death, God can turn it for their greater good....

When the Bible says, “Weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15), it does not add, “unless God caused the weeping.” Job’'s comforters would have done better to weep with Job than talk so much. That does not change when we discover that Job’s suffering was ultimately from God. No, it is right to weep with those who suffer. Pain is pain, no matter who causes it. We are all sinners. Empathy flows not from the causes of pain, but the company of pain. And we are all in it together.
Read in it's entirety at Desiring God.

Some people shake their fist at God, others blame Satan. John Piper contends that both are inappropriate responses. When Job lost everything (family, livelihood, and health) he said, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21). God honored him with his response. Job didn't blame Satan for the trials he was experiencing. All he could do was weep, and trust that God would restore him. I can't relate to what the victims of the tsunami are going through. But I can point them to someone who can. I can weep with them and send support for their relief. But ultimately, apart from God, no amount of human comforting can appease their pain. If you would like to send support, go to World Vision. If you would like to know God, go to Living Waters.

U.S. Boosts Tsunami Aid Tenfold to $350M


CRAWFORD, Texas (AP) - The United States is pledging $350 million to help tsunami victims, a tenfold increase over its first wave of aid, President Bush announced Friday.

"Initial findings of American assessment teams on the ground indicate that the need for financial and other assistance will steadily increase in the days and weeks ahead," Bush said Friday in a statement released in Crawford, Texas, where he is staying at his ranch.

"Our contributions will continue to be revised as the full effects of this terrible tragedy become clearer," he said. "Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by this epic disaster."
Read the rest at My Way News

Powell also praised the generosity of private donors in the United States and said he hoped the world would follow their example.

"I want to encourage all the nations of the world to reach deep and to make as significant contribution as they are able to because this is an unprecedented disaster. It is unprecedented in my career, and I have been through a number of humanitarian crises in the last 20 years, so I hope that the world will be generous in this regard," he said.
Read the rest at Yahoo News

It's nice to see that America isn't the only country that stepped up their initial pledge. Now how long will it take the world to forget the generosity of America? I would suggest giving to World Vision if you have not given yet. They are a very capable Christian organization.

For some statistics of America's private donations to the relief go to Powerline. They have an estimation of $169 Million.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Bush 'Undermining UN with Aid Coalition'

By Jamie Lyons, PA Political Correspondent
United States President George Bush was tonight accused of trying to undermine the United Nations by setting up a rival coalition to coordinate relief following the Asian tsunami disaster.
The president has announced that the US, Japan, India and Australia would coordinate the world’s response.
But former International Development Secretary Clare Short said that role should be left to the UN.
“"I think this initiative from America to set up four countries claiming to coordinate sounds like yet another attempt to undermine the UN when it is the best system we have got and the one that needs building up,"” she said.
“"Only really the UN can do that job,"” she told BBC Radio Four’s PM programme.
“"It is the only body that has the moral authority. But it can only do it well if it is backed up by the authority of the great powers."”
Ms Short said the coalition countries did not have good records on responding to international disasters.
She said the US was “very bad at coordinating with anyone” and India had its own problems to deal with.
“"I don’t know what that is about but it sounds very much, I am afraid, like the US trying to have a separate operation and not work with the rest of the world through the UN system,"” she added.
Article origination: (linked from Drudge Report)

This comes after the UN attacked America for being stingy by only donating $35 million to the relief fund. It's ridiculous to act as if the only financial aid from America comes from the government. The United Nations is failing to recognize that every individual in America has the opportunity to write a check to the organization of their choice. I know several people who are donating to the American Red Cross and others who are giving to World Vision. There are countless other organizations providing aid. When it is all said and done, private donates will surely outweigh the $35 million donated by our government. America is a very generous country! Quit politicizing the catastrophe to cover up your own mistakes!

Will the Poker Craze Survive?

I'll admit...I was not into poker at all until all the latest craze. Now, whenever I get the chance to veg in front of a TV with cable I look for poker (about once a month since we just have the bunny ears at home). I know all of the top personalities. I have my favorites. I want the real poker chips at home so I can learn to shuffle like the pros. It's kind of pathetic isn't it! The Fresno State Blog has a good article on this...
Poker is a great game but the pitfalls that surround it are just too large for most to truly succeed in it. One of the greatest players if not the greatest player of all time Stu Unger could control any table he played at but he lost everything he had to the many distractions that surround the game.
Read the rest at the Fresno State Blog.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Jesus' Reply to a Disaster of His Day

We must not fall into the age old trap of thinking that the recent disaster was a specific judgement of God on either the victims or the world. Jesus made it very clear his view on that when asked about a disaster of his time. In fact he made us realise that the reality is far worse- we are all under threat of death and "perishing". That threat is commuted every day. God said that on the day that Adam sinned he would die. In a way God never kept that promise, and the fact he didn't is grace. Every breath, the fact that we werent swept off a beach somewhere, food, a home, a job, a family, it is all grace. We have no rights. Our first sin took them away. Maybe God allows events like this to shake us from the lie that we are immortal here on earth. The bell will toll for me one day. What will they say at my funeral?

I thank God for second (and third, fourth, fifth etc....) chances, and that the gospel really is good news to the hopeless.

There were some present at that very time who told him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. 2 And he answered them, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans, because they suffered in this way? 3 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. 4 Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them: do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others who lived in Jerusalem? 5 No, I tell you; but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.”

ESV Bible Online: Passage: Luke 13
Post originated from Adrian Warnock's UK Evangelical Blog.

I like this gracious response to the chaos that is happening in the world right now. 52,000 have died from the Tsunamis. That is an amazing number, yet, all of us will "perish" one day. A catastrophe such as this allows us to show grace to the hurting and at the same time reminds us that life is but a vapor. Here is a link to World Vision. They are responding to the need by providing food and family survival kits to the victims.

A Star is Born in Fresno

Aaron Ruell, known for his role as Kip (the one on the skates above) in Napoleon Dynamite, was born and raised here in Fresno. Check out the Q&A he did with FresYes.

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

The Need for a Method of Sanctification in the Protestant Church

Dallas Willard in his book “The Renovation of the Heart” says the western church does not have a transferable method of sanctification. What is meant by this statement is that the Christian cannot go to his elder in the faith, become his student, and come out two years later as a transformed person. Sure we have classes on personal disciplines and anger management, BUT the product of such classes and discipleship programs, as far as I can see, are very low quality. On the level of personal sanctification and the transformation of our temperaments, the church lacks a method and a true process. Jesus was a disciple-maker and he taught his disciples the ways of prayer and humility and self-denial. These virtues and how to attain them are all but lost in the church. This element of salvation (personal transformation) is the primary program of the church, yet the process has not yet been designed.
Read the rest at 21st Century Reformation.

I completely agree that the Church today needs a reformation in its discipleship method (or more likely, lack of method). There is too much of a focus on the altar call that even Charles Finney admitted failed most of the time. Once a person prays to receive Christ it is assumed that the work is done. They now have their ticket to Heaven so we can move on to the next unsuspecting soul. I'll leave you with what Spurgeon said regarding this...
Do not, therefore, consider that soul-winning is or can be secured by the multiplication of baptisms, and the swelling of the size of your church. What mean these despatches from the battle-field? "Last night, fourteen souls were under conviction, fifteen were justified, and eight received full sanctification." I am weary of this public bragging, this counting of unhatched chickens, this exhibition of doubtful spoils. Lay aside such numberings of the people, such idle pretence of certifying in half a minute that which will need the testing of a lifetime.

The Central Valley Project: Is it Broken?

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) - A handful of large farms get most of the water and subsidy dollars delivered by the country's biggest federal water supply project, according to a study by a national environmental organization.

The Central Valley Project, authorized in 1936 to support family farms, now funnels up to $416 million of subsidized water to agricultural giants in California's Central Valley, according to a study released earlier this month by the Environmental Working Group.

Specifically, the report indicated that the top 10 percent of agricultural water users were getting 67 percent of the water.

``The system is broken,'' said Environmental Working Group spokesman Bill Walker.

If the project was intended to support "family farms" then the system is certainly broken. How does only 10% of the farms get 67% of the supply? Who's regulating this? That would be like Starbucks taking advantage of federal dollars and leaving Java Time up in Auberry with pennies.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Charles Spurgeon's Evening Devotional

"And the LORD shall guide thee continually."—Isaiah 58:11.

"The Lord shall guide thee." Not an angel, but JEHOVAH shall guide thee. He said He would not go through the wilderness before His people, an angel should go before them to lead them in the way; but Moses said, "If Thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence." Christian, God has not left you in your earthly pilgrimage to an angel's guidance: He Himself leads the van. You may not see the cloudy, fiery pillar, but Jehovah will never forsake you."
Read the rest at Spurgeon Archives.

God is not only the giver of life, He sustains it as well. If we must fully rely upon Him for salvation, we likewise rely upon Him for sanctification. It is all by Grace. Apart from Him we can do nothing.

Fresno State Wins MPC in OT

What a game! The Dogs win in OT 37-34! Read about it at ESPN. 5 TD tosses from Paul Pinegar was the nail in the coffin for Virginia. Fresno State did a pretty good job redeeming their season after losing 3. Their final record was 9-3.

Add Your Blog!

If you would like your blog to be added to my sidebar leave me a link in the comments.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

7 Die in Christmas Crashes in the Central Valley

Holiday driving left seven people dead on Central Valley roads Saturday. Read the full article at KSEE24.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

A Christmas Story: Miracle on Kings Canyon Avenue

2 officers find a letter in Spanish from 3 Fresno youngsters telling Santa their mother had no money to buy them gifts...and ask the officers to make sure Santa gets their letter. Read the article at CBS47.

What a great group of officers we have here in Fresno. Bravo!!

Christmas (No more Napoleon) at the Wagners

Friday, December 24, 2004

MPC Computers Bowl: Fresno State vs. Virginia (18)

After rising as high as sixth in the rankings, Virginia didn't exactly have a postseason trip to Idaho in mind. The 18th-ranked Cavaliers hope to end a disappointing season on a positive note when they face red-hot Fresno State in the MPC Computers Bowl at Bronco Stadium on Monday afternoon. After opening this season with five straight wins for the first time since 1996, Virginia (8-3) appeared on its way toward a very memorable year. The perfect season, however, ended the next game at Florida State, and although the Cavaliers won four of their final six contests, the two losses came to Miami and Virginia Tech, leaving them with an 0-3 record against Top 25 teams.
Article origination:

Before this season began, Pat Hill (Fresno State Football Coach) claimed that this team was the best team he had ever coached. True as that may be, the story didn't change much for us Fresno State fans. Every year it seems that we have a shot at a bowl game, we choke on a conference game or two dashing all hope. Granted, Pat Hill is getting Fresno State some recognition by playing tough non-conference match-ups. But, when are we just going to win the conference? Are the Bulldogs biting off more than they can chew?

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Napoleon with the Sanborn's

Mike & Shayleen Sanborn were in town for the holidays. Their son Isaiah is now 8 months old and is already standing up on his own (for about 5 seconds). Mike is the Adults Pastor at Granada Heights Friends Church. We had a fun time remembering the good 'ol days! After the usual chit-chat and catching up...the real party started...Napoleon Dynamite! It was another hit (for at least 4 of us).

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Napoleon with Stefani

Stafani stayed at our house and we went to Hollywood Video to rent Princess Diaries 2. As I perused the new release wall (which seems to have a lot of "old" releases still reaping the higher fees to rent) I noticed a nerdy looking character on the front of a dvd. Typically a dvd that looks like this may have one or two in stock, but this particular dvd filled an entire section. Napoleon Dynamite, what a movie. I had actually heard this movie was funny from The Brodmann's down in Murrieta but never had the chance to see it in the theaters. I must say the movie is extremely funny. I haven't had as much fun watching a comedy since Tommy Boy. Do yourself a favor...get Netflix (Hollywood Video is old fashioned with late fees) and order this movie.

Monday, December 20, 2004

My Christmas Prayer

Dear Lord,

It is amazing to look back on all that has happened in our lives this year. We have so much to be thankful for!

At times, I am concerned that things are going too well. It can be a dangerous place to be when lifes challenges are not as pressing as they have been in the past. Complacency is always one step behind growth. I can start to think it is something in me that is causing life to go so smoothly rather than acknowledging Your grace. I start to think that I deserve the blessings I've been given. At that moment I give myself the glory instead of You. I so easily forget the One that I serve, the reason I'm here, and the source of "every good gift and every perfect gift."

For Carrie and I, our life's puzzle is far from complete. It seems like we're still at the starting line of our marriage. I am greatly looking forward to the future we have together. A path sure to be filled with ups and downs, yet gradually growing closer to You! I still choke up whenever I think about our wedding and the song that so encompassed our desire, Jesus Lover of My Soul. "All this is for You" the song says, and I know that our hearts were, and still are, singing in agreement. At times, I have lost that focus, but graciously You have blessed me with a wife who doesn't allow me to wander for long. She has strengthened and encouraged me in so many ways. I am thankful to have someone by my side who desires to be a partner in ministry. And someone who continually reminds me that ministry begins with the home. As a wife, her love is amazing. As a mother, her love is tender and beautiful. Always caring, always sacrificing, always training, always giving, and always persevering. She works tirelessly at home and it is never more evident than when I have to take care of Maddie by myself for a day. I get off easy having an 8-5 job. Thank You for bringing Carrie into my life.

I'm also extremely grateful for the wonderful daughter we have. Madelynn Paige is still so young and innocent. We keep waiting for the hard part of this parenting thing to take us by storm. It's just such a blessing to love and care for her. She is so smart, so bright and cheery. She is growing up so fast and I pray that we don't take this time with her right now for granted.

Our year was not without it's pain. Yet, even in the midst of discovering that Carrie had a miscarriage back in July, You were faithful. The comfort we received during that time was a beautiful picture of Isaiah 42:3 "a bruised reed he will not break, and a faintly burning wick he will not quench." We were able to trust in You all the more with our lives knowing that Your ways are perfect. And in Your exact timing, Carrie has become pregnant again.

Thank You for the gift of life. Thank You for the gift of pain. Thank You for the gift of Your Son who experienced both between Christmas and Good Friday. May we be faithful parents in raising up our children to know Your many blessings. May they understand the true meaning of Christmas and glorify You with their lives. ~Amen~

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Prayer of Jabez

I just finished reading The Prayer of Jabez a couple of days ago. The book has been out since 2001 but I always had a negative view of it. The idea that we should pray to God for blessings didn't sit right with me. I felt like that was a selfish idea that only gives validity to the "health and wealth" gospel. The prayer of Jabez comes out of 1 Chronicles 4:10 "Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, 'Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!' And God granted what he asked." When you first read the prayer it almost sounds like it is inappropriate. All he is thinking about is himself! But when you read that "God granted" the request, you start to realize that maybe there is more to it.

Ultimately, the book is not about seeking blessings to get rich and live a peaceful life on earth. It is about living a life that is more honoring and glorifying to God. It is about taking risks for God. If God blesses you financially, it doesn't mean that He wants you to go out and blow it on the newest and shiniest car you can find. If He blesses you with health it doesn't mean you should never risk that health by visiting a 3rd world country and spending time with the "orphans and widows in their distress." If we are seeking to be Christlike, we will take the blessings that He bestows upon us and give to others in His Name.

I would encourage anyone to read it. It is a very small book that only takes a couple of hours to read (and that's for slow readers like me). What I got most out of it is a more earnest desire to seek to be used by God every day. I don't always think of ways that I can influence those around me for God's glory. The Prayer of Jabez reminds me to stay focused on God throughout the day and seek to be used wherever I am.

I got to place the topper!!

Another week...another tree. We went to the Wagner's last wednesday and decorated their tree. After decorating the tree we all joined in the holiday tradition of placing elves all around the house. They have close to 100 elves which we put everywhere you can imagine. Half of the fun is finding new places to put them. Carrie was able to convince her dad that he needed to give us some of the elves to start the tradition at our home. We now have 15 elves of our very own!

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

So many choices at the Christmas tree lot!

We had tons of fun looking for a tree this year. There was a small petting zoo there. Maddie enjoyed petting all of the "soft" animals. When it came to picking out a tree she wasn't much help. All she wanted to do was run up and down the aisle's of trees. She eventually fell getting dirt all over her hands and clothes. That was the end of the running.

Finished Product (Day & Night)

Friday, December 03, 2004

Maddie's chocolate mishap

Everyone should know now that Carrie is pregnant. The Dr. thinks she is about 6.5 weeks along so the baby will be due at the end of July. We are very excited! I want a boy and Carrie wants a girl. Carrie has been feeling nausiated for a couple of weeks now and unfortunately that is coupled with a pretty bad cold. She can't really take any antibiotics so the cold has lasted longer than normal. She has been trying to get plenty of sleep to get better, but that has been difficult for her to do.

As you can see from the picture, Maddie is not slowing down at all! That was the result of her finding some chocolate early in the morning when she usually plays with her toys in the living room. Carrie really had a blast cleaning that mess up. The chair has a nice spotted print to give it a little character. Another new development this week is Maddie's new friend that she plays with all around the house. It is a fly that found its way inside our house, probably because it was freezing to death outside (I have to pour water on my car each morning because of the frost). She loves to find him and try to touch him and then when he flies away she just thinks it's the greatest thing in the world. She hasn't been outside lately since it is so cold and that was always her favorite part of the day. It is good she is finding ways to entertain herself inside the house as well.

As for is out in a couple weeks and I am looking forward to enjoying each night with the fam! Being in class Mon-Wed is even tougher on Carrie than it is me because she doesn't have anyone to help with Maddie.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Have A Happy Burger King Christmas!

It's not too early for a little holiday cheer is it? This song is sure to brighten your day! Check it out here. Make sure you turn up the volume!!